What is an Addiction Treatment Center?

An addiction treatment center is a facility devoted to drug rehab and addiction recovery. Several kinds of addiction treatment centers range from inpatient to outpatient, each with a different environment, an array of amenities offered, multiple therapy options, and standard or personalized treatment plans. If you or someone you love are struggling with substance abuse…

therapy group meets at outpatient addiction treatment center

Is Outpatient Treatment Right for You?

Getting care for drug or alcohol addiction means navigating a sometimes complicated system. You may have an image of what treatment looks like. Some people believe treatment means leaving their family to live in a treatment center for months. That’s not always necessary. Outpatient treatment centers provide a different option. If you qualify for outpatient…

Depression and Alcohol

According to studies, alcohol use affects millions of individuals in the US because it is socially acceptable. Many people turn to alcohol when they cannot handle stress or face life’s problems. Some people choose to self-medicate using alcohol, which can gradually result in addiction. Alcohol can make you feel better temporarily, but the long-term effects…